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Nov 14, 2016

Raibex Decision: Franchisors Must Reconsider Disclosure Practices When the Franchise Location is Unknown

Franchisors are strongly encouraged to consult with a franchise lawyer on how to best manage their disclosure obligations and risks before entering into franchise agreements when the location is not yet known.

Oct 10, 2016

Modernizing Ontario’s Franchise Law: New Methods for Delivery of Disclosure Documents

Recent amendments to the Regulations under Ontario's franchise-specific legislation now permit franchisors to deliver disclosure documents mandated by the Act electronically and by prepaid courier.

Jun 15, 2015

Ontario Court of Appeal: Not All Facts Are Material to Franchise Disclosure

A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision has confirmed that only “material facts” must be included in a franchise disclosure document. Whether a fact is considered a “material fact” must be determined on a case-by-case-basis, with important implications for franchisors and franchisees alike.

Jun 8, 2015

Are Franchisees Entitled to Site-Specific Disclosure?

In Ontario, the Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise Disclosure), 2000 requires franchisors to give prospective franchisees a disclosure document—a significant amount of written, pre-sale information about the franchisor and its system.

© 2015 Lawrence, Lawrence, Stevenson LLP

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